VPN Service

Understanding When VPN Connects & Internet Is Disconnected

when vpn connects internet is disconnected
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If you experience your internet connection dropping when you use a VPN, it’s important to understand the underlying issues and how to troubleshoot them. There can be several reasons for this problem, including DNS settings that don’t match your VPN client or a connection to a faulty VPN server. By addressing these common issues, you can quickly get back online.

Key Takeaways:

  • When your internet connection drops while using a VPN, it could be due to mismatched DNS settings or a faulty VPN server.
  • Troubleshooting steps such as changing VPN servers, reinstalling VPN software, and checking network connections can help resolve the issue.
  • Choosing a stable VPN service like Private Internet Access and ensuring correct date and time settings can prevent frequent internet disconnections.
  • Checking DNS configurations and network status, as well as understanding split tunneling and full tunneling, are essential for troubleshooting VPN connection issues.
  • Correcting date and time settings on your device can prevent VPN disconnections and maintain a stable internet connection.

Common Reasons for Internet Disconnection When VPN Connects

When using a VPN, it can be frustrating and inconvenient to experience internet disconnection. However, there are common reasons why this may occur. Understanding these reasons can help you troubleshoot the issue and restore a stable internet connection while using a VPN.

1. Faulty DNS settings

One common reason for internet disconnection when using a VPN is incompatible DNS settings. If the DNS settings on your device do not match the DNS settings configured in your VPN client, it can cause conflicts and disrupt your internet connection. Resolving this issue may involve manually configuring your DNS settings to match or using alternative DNS servers like Google DNS or Neustar DNS Advantage.

2. Outdated or corrupt VPN software

Outdated or corrupt VPN software can also lead to internet disconnection issues. If your VPN software is not up to date or has become corrupted, it may fail to establish a stable connection, resulting in frequent disconnections. In such cases, reinstalling or updating your VPN software is recommended to resolve the problem.

3. Connection issues with VPN server

Connection issues with the VPN server you are connected to can also cause internet disconnections. If the server is experiencing technical problems or is overloaded with traffic, it may result in intermittent or dropped connections. In this situation, switching to a different VPN server location may help resolve the issue and provide a more stable internet connection.

Reason Solution
Faulty DNS settings Manually configure DNS settings or use alternative DNS servers
Outdated or corrupt VPN software Reinstall or update your VPN software
Connection issues with VPN server Switch to a different VPN server location

By addressing these common reasons for internet disconnection when using a VPN, you can improve your online experience and ensure a more stable connection. The troubleshooting tips provided in the following sections will further assist you in resolving any VPN connection issues you may encounter.

Troubleshooting Tips for VPN Disconnecting Internet Connection

If you’re experiencing internet disconnection issues when you connect to a VPN, there are several troubleshooting tips you can try. By following these steps, you can often resolve the issue and maintain a stable internet connection while using a VPN.

1. Change your VPN server location

Sometimes, the issue may be with the specific VPN server you are connected to. Try switching to a different server location to see if that resolves the problem. This can help eliminate any potential connection issues with a particular server.

2. Uninstall and reinstall your VPN software

If you’re experiencing frequent disconnections, it may be due to outdated or corrupt VPN software. Uninstalling and reinstalling the software can help ensure you have the latest version and that any potential software glitches are resolved.

3. Check your underlying connection

Ensure that your internet connection is stable and functioning properly. If you’re using Wi-Fi, try connecting directly to your modem or router with an Ethernet cable to rule out any potential Wi-Fi issues.

4. Ensure your date and time settings are correct

Incorrect date and time settings can sometimes cause VPN connection issues. Make sure that your device’s date and time are accurate, as this can affect the security protocols used by the VPN.

5. Update your VPN to the latest version

Keeping your VPN software up to date is essential for optimal performance and security. Check for any available updates and install them to ensure you’re using the most recent version of your VPN client.

6. Try connecting to a different VPN protocol

If you’re experiencing consistent disconnections, it may be worth trying a different VPN protocol. Some protocols may work more reliably than others, depending on your network environment and the specific VPN service you’re using.

7. Change your DNS server configuration

Incorrect DNS settings can also contribute to VPN connection issues. Consider changing your DNS server configuration to a different DNS service, such as Google DNS or OpenDNS. This can help ensure that DNS resolution is functioning properly.

8. Adjust your proxy settings

If you’re using a proxy server in conjunction with your VPN, check your proxy settings to ensure they are correctly configured. Incorrect proxy settings can interfere with the VPN connection and cause internet disconnections.

By following these troubleshooting tips, you can often resolve VPN-related internet disconnection issues and enjoy a stable connection while using a VPN.

The Importance of a Stable VPN Service

When using a VPN, it is crucial to have a stable and reliable connection. A stable VPN service ensures that you can browse the internet securely and without interruptions. The significance of a stable VPN service becomes even more apparent when you experience frequent disconnections that disrupt your online activities. These disconnections not only hinder your browsing experience but also compromise your privacy and security.

There are several factors that can contribute to VPN connection issues and subsequent internet disconnections. One common cause is the use of troublesome servers. Inadequate VPN services may have servers that are overloaded or experiencing technical difficulties, resulting in unstable connections. Slow connections can also be a problem, affecting your browsing speed and overall experience. Another potential issue is an unreliable DNS setup. Misconfigured or incompatible DNS settings can lead to frequent disconnections when using a VPN.

To avoid these connection issues and maintain a stable VPN service, it is essential to choose a reputable provider. Private Internet Access is highly recommended due to its extensive server network of over 35,000 servers worldwide. With such a vast network, you can find servers that offer optimal performance and minimize the chances of experiencing connection problems. Additionally, Private Internet Access allows you to connect up to 10 devices simultaneously, ensuring that you can enjoy a stable VPN experience across all your devices.

Benefits of a Stable VPN Service
1. Secure and private browsing
2. Reliable connection
3. Uninterrupted access to geo-restricted content
4. Fast browsing and downloading speed
5. Multiple device support

By choosing a stable VPN service like Private Internet Access, you can enjoy all the benefits of a VPN without the frustration of frequent disconnections. With a reliable connection, you can browse securely, access geo-restricted content, and enjoy fast browsing and downloading speeds. Ensure that you select a VPN service that prioritizes stability and performance, allowing you to have a seamless online experience.

Resolving VPN Connection Issues on Windows

If you’re experiencing internet disconnection issues when using a VPN on a Windows device, there are specific steps you can take to resolve them. By following these troubleshooting steps, you can often restore your internet connection while using a VPN on Windows.

1. Change your VPN

If you’re experiencing frequent internet disconnections with your current VPN, try switching to a different VPN service. This can help resolve compatibility issues and provide a more stable connection.

2. Uninstall and reinstall your VPN software

If your VPN software is outdated or corrupt, it can cause internet connection problems. Uninstalling and reinstalling your VPN software can help resolve any software-related issues that may be causing the disconnection.

Troubleshooting Steps Details
Change VPN server location Try connecting to a different server location to see if it resolves the disconnection issue.
Check network settings Ensure that your network settings are configured correctly and that there are no conflicts.
Verify date and time settings Incorrect date and time settings can cause connection issues. Make sure your date and time settings are accurate.
Delete residual files After uninstalling your VPN software, delete any residual files to ensure a clean installation.
Troubleshoot network connection Run network diagnostics to identify any network issues that may be impacting your VPN connection.
Configure DNS server settings Adjust your DNS server settings to ensure they are compatible with your VPN.

By following these steps and troubleshooting your VPN connection on Windows, you can often resolve the issue of internet disconnection and maintain a stable connection while using a VPN.

Troubleshooting VPN Connection Issues on Other Devices

When it comes to troubleshooting VPN connection issues on devices other than Windows, the process may vary. However, there are general steps you can follow to diagnose and resolve the problem. By understanding the specific VPN configuration on your device and following these troubleshooting steps, you can often identify and resolve the issue causing your internet disconnection.

Check Your VPN Settings

Start by checking your VPN settings and ensuring they are configured correctly. Make sure you have entered the correct server information, including the server address and any necessary authentication details. Ensure that your VPN is set to the appropriate protocol and encryption level. By verifying and adjusting your VPN settings, you can eliminate misconfigurations that may be causing connection issues.

Verify Split Tunneling or Full Tunneling Mode

Another factor to consider is whether your VPN is set to split tunneling or full tunneling mode. Split tunneling allows only specific traffic to go through the VPN, while full tunneling routes all traffic through the VPN. Check your VPN settings to determine which mode is enabled and ensure it aligns with your intended purpose. If you’re experiencing connectivity issues, consider switching between the two modes to see if it resolves the problem.

Test DNS Resolution and Network Paths

If you’re still experiencing VPN connection issues, it’s important to test DNS resolution and network paths. DNS resolution refers to the process of translating domain names into IP addresses, and any issues with this process can disrupt your internet connection. Test the DNS resolution by pinging domain names and verifying that they resolve to the correct IP addresses. Additionally, check network paths by testing connectivity to various websites, servers, or IP addresses. This will help you identify any network issues that may be causing the disconnection.


Resolving VPN connection issues on devices other than Windows requires careful examination of VPN settings, split tunneling or full tunneling modes, and DNS resolution. By following the steps outlined above, you can troubleshoot and diagnose the issue, leading to a stable and reliable internet connection while using a VPN. Remember to consult the specific documentation or customer support available for your device to ensure accurate troubleshooting.

vpn connection issues

The Role of VPN Split Tunneling and Full Tunneling

When using a VPN, it’s important to understand how split tunneling and full tunneling configurations can affect your internet connection. Split tunneling allows you to choose which traffic goes through the VPN and which traffic uses your local internet access. This can be useful if you only want to secure specific activities, such as accessing work resources while still being able to browse the web freely. On the other hand, full tunneling routes all traffic through the VPN, providing maximum security but potentially impacting internet speeds.

Both split tunneling and full tunneling have their advantages and considerations. Split tunneling can help optimize your internet connection by reducing the load on the VPN and allowing you to access local resources more efficiently. However, it also means that some of your traffic is not encrypted, potentially compromising your privacy and security. Full tunneling, on the other hand, ensures that all your internet traffic is encrypted and secured, but it may result in slower internet speeds due to the additional network overhead.

To troubleshoot any connection issues related to split tunneling or full tunneling, it’s essential to ensure that your VPN client is configured correctly. Check your VPN settings to determine whether split tunneling or full tunneling is enabled and if it aligns with your intended use. If you’re experiencing internet disconnection issues, you may consider switching between these configurations to see if it resolves the problem. Keep in mind that some VPN clients may have different terminology for split tunneling and full tunneling, so refer to your provider’s documentation for specific instructions.

Understanding the role of split tunneling and full tunneling in your VPN connection can help you troubleshoot any internet disconnection issues more effectively. By choosing the right configuration and ensuring that it aligns with your needs, you can enjoy a secure and stable internet connection while using a VPN.

Configuration Advantages Considerations
Split Tunneling
  • Optimizes internet connection
  • Allows access to local resources
  • Some traffic is not encrypted
  • Potential privacy and security risks
Full Tunneling
  • Ensures all traffic is encrypted
  • May result in slower internet speeds
  • Increased network overhead

DNS and VPN Connection Issues

One of the common causes of internet disconnection when using a VPN is misconfigured DNS settings. The Domain Name System (DNS) is responsible for translating website addresses into IP addresses that computers can understand. If the DNS settings are not compatible with your VPN client, it can disrupt your internet connection. To resolve this issue, you may need to manually configure your DNS server addresses or switch to alternative DNS servers like Google DNS or Neustar DNS Advantage.

Additionally, it’s important to ensure that your VPN is correctly using the designated DNS server. In some cases, the VPN may not be properly handling DNS requests, leading to internet disconnection. By addressing DNS-related issues and ensuring proper configuration, you can prevent internet disconnection when using a VPN.

“DNS plays a crucial role in internet connectivity, and misconfigured DNS settings can cause VPN connection issues.”

In this table, we summarize the steps to troubleshoot DNS and VPN connection issues:

Step Description
1 Check your current DNS settings
2 Manually configure DNS server addresses
3 Switch to alternative DNS servers
4 Verify that your VPN is correctly using the designated DNS server

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can ensure that your DNS settings are correctly configured with your VPN, allowing for a stable internet connection.

Checking Network Status for Troubleshooting

When troubleshooting VPN connection issues, it’s essential to check the network status of your device. Verifying that you have a stable internet connection is the first step in identifying any potential problems. Make sure that your device is connected to the internet and that you have a strong Wi-Fi signal or a stable wired connection. If you’re using Wi-Fi, try moving closer to your router to improve the signal strength.

Next, check the network status information on your device. Look for any irregularities or error messages that indicate a problem with your connection. This can include messages such as “No internet access” or “Limited connectivity.” If you see any error messages, take note of them as they can help in diagnosing the issue.

In addition to checking the network status, it’s important to test connectivity to both internal and external IP addresses. This will help determine if the problem is specific to your VPN connection or if it’s a broader network issue. To test internal connectivity, try accessing other devices on your local network, such as network printers or shared drives. For external connectivity, try accessing websites or online services to see if you can establish a connection.

Network Status Possible Causes Next Steps
No Internet Access Problem with Wi-Fi connection, ISP issue, or router misconfiguration. Check Wi-Fi settings, reset router, contact ISP for assistance.
Limited Connectivity Network adapter driver issue, IP address conflict, or firewall blocking the connection. Update network adapter driver, troubleshoot IP address conflict, check firewall settings.
Cannot Access Internal IP Incorrect network settings, firewall blocking internal traffic, or device connectivity issue. Check network settings, adjust firewall rules, test connectivity on other devices.
Cannot Access External IP VPN server connectivity issue, DNS resolution problem, or ISP blocking VPN traffic. Contact VPN provider, change DNS server, contact ISP for assistance.

In addition to network status checks, make sure that your device’s date and time settings are correct. Incorrect date and time settings can sometimes cause connection issues with VPNs. Adjust the date and time to match the current time and time zone. It’s also a good idea to ensure that your VPN is using the correct date and time by checking its settings or contacting your VPN provider.

By examining the network status, testing connectivity, and verifying date and time settings, you can identify and resolve any issues that may be causing your VPN to disconnect your internet connection. These steps will help ensure a stable and reliable VPN connection while maintaining your online security.

Fixing VPN Connection Issues with Date & Time Settings

One often overlooked but important factor that can cause VPN connection issues is incorrect date and time settings on your device. When your device’s clock is out of sync or set to the wrong time zone, it can interfere with the encryption protocols used by your VPN, leading to connectivity problems and even disconnection from the internet.

To fix this issue, you need to ensure that your date and time settings are accurate. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Go to your device’s settings and look for the date and time section.
  2. Make sure that the time zone is correctly set to your current location.
  3. Toggle on the option to automatically set the date and time if it’s available.
  4. If the automatic setting is not available or doesn’t work, manually set the correct date and time.
  5. Restart your device to apply the changes.

It’s also important to ensure that your VPN is using the correct date and time. Some VPN clients may have their own time settings that need to be synchronized with your device. Check the VPN settings or consult the VPN provider’s support documentation for instructions on how to adjust the date and time settings within the VPN client.

By fixing any discrepancies in your date and time settings, you can significantly reduce the chances of experiencing VPN connection issues and prevent disconnections of your internet connection while using a VPN.

Date & Time Settings Steps to Fix
Check the time zone Ensure it is set to your current location
Enable automatic date and time Use this option if available
Manually set the date and time Adjust it to the correct values
Restart your device Apply the changes

“The correct date and time settings are crucial for maintaining a stable VPN connection. When your device’s clock is out of sync, it can cause authentication failures and disrupt the encryption protocols used by the VPN. By ensuring that your date and time settings are accurate, you can eliminate a common source of VPN connection issues.”
– VPN Expert


Experiencing internet disconnection when using a VPN can be frustrating, but understanding the common reasons behind this issue and following the provided troubleshooting steps can help you resolve the problem. By addressing factors such as incompatible DNS settings, outdated VPN software, and faulty VPN servers, you can restore a stable internet connection while ensuring your online security.

It’s important to choose a reliable VPN service like Private Internet Access, which offers over 35,000 servers worldwide and excellent customer support for resolving any connection issues. Additionally, checking your network status, adjusting date and time settings, and properly configuring DNS can further prevent internet disconnection when your VPN is connected.

With the right setup and configuration, you can enjoy the benefits of using a VPN without experiencing frequent interruptions to your internet connection. Remember to choose a reputable VPN service, follow the troubleshooting steps, and consult customer support if needed. Stay connected and protected while maximizing your online privacy.


What are the common reasons for internet disconnection when using a VPN?

The common reasons include incompatible DNS settings, outdated or corrupt VPN software, and connection issues with the VPN server.

How can I fix the issue of internet disconnection when connected to a VPN?

You can try changing your VPN server location, reinstalling or updating your VPN software, checking your underlying connection, ensuring correct date and time settings, and updating your VPN to the latest version. Other troubleshooting steps include connecting to a different VPN protocol, changing DNS server configuration, and adjusting proxy settings.

What is the importance of a stable VPN service?

A stable VPN service is crucial to prevent internet disconnection issues. Private Internet Access is a recommended VPN service that offers a stable and secure connection.

How can I resolve VPN connection issues on a Windows device?

You can resolve these issues by changing your VPN, uninstalling and reinstalling your VPN software, checking network settings, ensuring correct date and time settings, deleting residual files, troubleshooting network connection, and configuring DNS server settings.

What are the general steps to troubleshoot VPN connection issues on other devices?

The general steps include checking VPN settings, determining if the VPN is set to split tunnel or full tunnel mode, and testing DNS resolution and network paths.

What is the role of VPN split tunneling and full tunneling?

Split tunneling routes only remote site traffic through the VPN, while full tunneling routes all traffic through the VPN. Understanding the chosen mode can help troubleshoot and resolve connection issues.

How does DNS affect VPN connection issues?

Misconfigured DNS settings can cause VPN connection issues. You may need to manually configure DNS server addresses or switch to alternative DNS servers such as Google DNS or Neustar DNS Advantage.

How can I check network status for troubleshooting VPN connection issues?

You should verify a stable internet connection, check for irregularities in network status information, and test connectivity to internal and external IP addresses. Also, ensure correct date and time settings.

Can incorrect date and time settings cause VPN connection issues?

Yes, incorrect date and time settings can cause VPN connection issues. Adjusting them to match the current time and time zone is recommended.

What steps can I take to prevent frequent internet disconnections when using a VPN?

By understanding the common reasons for disconnections, following troubleshooting steps, and choosing a reliable VPN service, you can prevent frequent internet disconnections when using a VPN.

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